Spring 2021 Articles

Advancing educational opportunities and research

PROSPER is a substance-use prevention program that has been running for nearly two decades in Pennsylvania and Iowa. A new award is allowing the PROSPER to team to build bridges to other agencies so that they can reduce the supply of drugs and demand for drugs in the same community.

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Julie Dix and her four daughters

Around the College: Achievements, discoveries, and experiences

The student experience in 2020 was unique in the history of Penn State. Though many traditional hallmarks of student life were altered by our inability to gather in large groups, students and the larger Penn State community supported each other to forge bonds and build a better world. Once again, our students have shown resilience, tenacity, and the ability to work together. WE ARE…

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Trees on campus

Adapt and persevere: Students find new ways to succeed

The student experience in 2020 was unique in the history of Penn State. Though many traditional hallmarks of student life were altered by our inability to gather in large groups, students and the larger Penn State community supported each other to forge bonds and build a better world. Once again, our students have shown resilience, tenacity, and the ability to work together.

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Students studying in the library while social distancing and wearing masks.

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The College of Health and Human Development has myriad opportunities for alumni and friends to volunteer and engage with our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We are always looking for alumni to speak in classrooms, mentor students, build professional networks, and more. Visit the HHD Volunteer Opportunities web portal to learn more about these opportunities and complete our volunteer interest form to let us know how you would like to stay connected.

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