Lunch and Learn
Part of the HHD On-Location At Home Edition seriesEach Lunch and Learn delivers a 30-minute, skills-based program featuring guests who share expertise and life lessons gleaned from their professional experience. Held over the lunch hour, these succinct events deliver useful and concrete takeaways on topics ranging from cooking to fly fishing to improving your golf swing.
Mindfulness in Times of Uncertainty
Featured Guests: Rob Roeser and Elaine Berrena
Rob Roeser discusses the use of mindfulness and compassion in education to foster well-being, including new mindfulness-based courses being offered to Penn State students. After a brief talk, his colleague, Elaine Berrena, lead a guided meditation to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed, and more mindful!
Cooking up Fun for the Family
Featured Guest: Amit Sharma
More people than ever will be cooking at home with their families. Amit Sharma, professor of hospitality management and finance, sits down with Chef George Ruth, senior instructor of hospitality management, to discuss some cooking tips and how this is a great time to get the whole family involved in the kitchen.
Cooking up Fun for the Family
Featured Guest: Kelsey Holland
Now more than ever, home fitness routines are essential to maintaining our health and wellness. Check in with Kelsey Holland, Exercise is Medicine – On Campus Coordinator in the Department of Kinesiology and director of Penn State’s Center for Fitness and Wellness. Hear some tips for how you can stay fit at home, without the perks of a professional gym. This 30-minute virtual segment covers some general fitness program guidelines and demonstrates a few at home tricks to help keep you fit.
Volumetrics: Feeling Full on Fewer Calories
Featured Guest: Barbara Rolls
This Lunch & Learn series features Penn State’s Helen A. Guthrie Chair and Professor of Nutrition Barbara Rolls, creator of Volumetrics – the No. 2 weight-loss plan in this year’s U.S. News & World Report ranking of “Best Diets.” Volumetrics has appeared on the rankings every year since 2011. Rolls directs the Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behavior at Penn State.
Golf Performance Imperatives from the Director of the Golf Teaching and Research Center
Featured Guest: Eric Handley
Brush up on your golf swing with the director of the Golf Teaching and Research Center (GTRC), Eric Handley. Eric is a PGA Professional who oversees all of the functions of the GTRC, including research projects, player development programs, club fittings, golf instruction classes for the Penn State PGA Golf Management students, and detailed swing analysis for the general public. The GTRC is a unique teaching and research venture designed to lead university instructional and scholarly initiatives related to the golf industry
Featured Guest: Kristine Clark
Kristine Clark, ’92 Ph.D. NUTR, nutrition consultant and former director of nutrition for intercollegiate athletics, shares expert advice on the top five superfoods we should be eating!
Exciting Health Benefits of Spices – What New Research is Revealing
Featured Guest: Penny Kris-Etherton
Spices have been used for centuries and evidence is just now emerging of their many health benefits. Penny Kris-Etherton, Evan Pugh University Professor of Nutritional Sciences and Distinguished Professor of Nutrition, summarizes the health benefits of different spices and discusses the findings of her recently completed Penn State Spice Study.
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